Definition of effusion


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The word "effusion" originated from the Latin verb "effundere," which translates to "to pour out." In medieval times, "effusion" was used to describe the flowing or pouring out of something, particularly of natural substances like water, blood, or tears. In the context of literature and language, "effusion" came to be used more broadly to mean the unrestrained output or expression of one's feelings, emotions, or thoughts through writing, speech, or any form of artistic creation. This meaning is still in use today, as "effusion" often denotes a spontaneous and uninhibited outpouring of sentiments, typically considered intense or profound.


something, especially a liquid or gas, that flows out of somebody/something; the act of flowing out

thứ gì đó, đặc biệt là chất lỏng hoặc chất khí, chảy ra từ ai đó/thứ gì đó; hành động chảy ra

the expression of feelings in an exaggerated way; feelings that are expressed in this way

sự thể hiện cảm xúc một cách cường điệu; cảm xúc được thể hiện theo cách này