Definition of effulgent


rực rỡ


The word "effulgent" has a rich history. It originated in the 15th century from the Latin words "effulgere," meaning "to shine out" or "to beam forth," and the suffix "-ent," which forms an agent noun. The Latin verb "effulgere" is a combination of "ex," meaning "out of" or "from," and "fulgēre," meaning "to shine" or "to flash." In English, "effulgent" was first used to describe the shining or glowing of light, particularly in reference to celestial bodies or supernatural entities. Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include any object or person that shines or radiates with brilliance, beauty, or splendor. Today, "effulgent" is used to describe something that is resplendent, dazzling, or radiant, often in a poetic or literary sense.


shining brightly

tỏa sáng rực rỡ

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    một nụ cười rạng rỡ

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