Definition of drippy


nhỏ giọt


The origin of the word "drippy" is not well-documented, but it is believed to have emerged in the mid-20th century in the United States. The earliest recorded uses of the word date back to the 1950s, when it was used to describe something that was watery or drippy. One possible source of the word is the inference with the phonetic similarity to "drop" or "drip". This connection could have led to the development of a verb form, "drippy", to describe something that drips or is caused by a drip. The word gained popularity in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in informal settings, such as social gatherings, parties, and casual conversations. It was often used to describe someone who talked excessively or was overly sentimental. Today, "drippy" is widely used and has taken on various meanings, including someone who is overly emotional, overly sentimental, or overly dramatic.


boring, stupid and weak or sentimental

buồn chán, ngu ngốc và yếu đuối hoặc tình cảm

  • her drippy boyfriend

    bạn trai của cô ấy

in a liquid state, and likely to fall in drops

ở trạng thái lỏng và có khả năng rơi thành giọt

  • drippy paint

    sơn nhỏ giọt

  • a drippy nose (= with drops of liquid falling from it)

    mũi chảy nước (= có những giọt chất lỏng chảy ra từ mũi)