Definition of disorientation


mất phương hướng


"Disorientation" stems from the Latin "oriens," meaning "east," and its derivative "orienter," meaning "to orient." Originally, "orient" referred to the rising sun in the east, and thus to a sense of direction. Adding the prefix "dis-" signifies the opposite, creating "disorientation," which means a lack of spatial awareness or a feeling of being lost or confused. Essentially, disorientation describes a state of being unable to orient oneself, losing the sense of direction that was once associated with the rising sun in the east.


a feeling of not being able to recognize where you are or where you should go

cảm giác không thể nhận ra mình đang ở đâu hoặc nên đi đâu

  • At the top of the hill I had a brief moment of disorientation.

    Trên đỉnh đồi, tôi có một khoảnh khắc mất phương hướng ngắn ngủi.

a feeling of being confused or not able to think clearly

cảm giác bối rối hoặc không thể suy nghĩ rõ ràng

  • She went through a period of shock and disorientation following her husband's death.

    Cô đã trải qua giai đoạn sốc và mất phương hướng sau cái chết của chồng.