Definition of disembodied


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The word "disembodied" has its roots in the 15th century. It originates from the Old French "desembodie," which means "to remove the body from someone or something." This term was derived from the Latin "descendere," meaning "to go down," and "corpus," meaning "body." In the past, the term was used in a literal sense, referring to the act of separating a body from a person or animal. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to describe something that is not physically present or tangible, such as a disembodied voice or a disembodied spirit. Today, the word "disembodied" is often used in a spiritual or paranormal context to describe entities that exist without physical bodies. It can also be used in a more figurative sense to describe anything that lacks a physical presence or substance.


coming from a person or place that cannot be seen or identified

đến từ một người hoặc một địa điểm không thể nhìn thấy hoặc xác định được

  • a disembodied voice

    một giọng nói không có thân xác

separated from the body

tách khỏi cơ thể

  • disembodied spirits

    linh hồn không có thân xác