Definition of demobilize


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The word "demobilize" has its roots in French, from the Latin "mobilitas," meaning "movement" or "change." During the late 17th and early 18th centuries, French and English military tacticians used the term "mobiliser" to refer to the process of putting troops in motion or deploying them for battle. In contrast, "démobiliser" meant to remove troops from active duty or disband an army. The English language adopted the term "demobilize" in the mid-18th century, initially meaning to take a military force out of a state of readiness or to reintegrate soldiers back into civilian life after a conflict. Today, the term is often used more broadly to describe the process of scaling back or disbanding any type of organization or system.


to release somebody from military service, especially at the end of a war

giải phóng ai đó khỏi nghĩa vụ quân sự, đặc biệt là khi kết thúc chiến tranh

  • We were waiting to be demobilized.

    Chúng tôi đang chờ xuất ngũ.

  • The army has demobilized 200 000 soldiers in the last two years.

    Quân đội đã giải ngũ 200 000 binh sĩ trong hai năm qua.

Related words and phrases

to stop military activities

ngừng các hoạt động quân sự

  • The president insisted the rebels must disarm and demobilize.

    Tổng thống nhấn mạnh quân nổi dậy phải giải giáp và giải ngũ.