Definition of convene


triệu tập


The word "convene" originated in the Middle English language during the 14th century. It comes from the Old French word "convenir," meaning "to agree" or "to meet." The Old French word, in turn, is derived from the late Latin word "convenire," which consists of the prefix "con-" meaning "together" and the verb "venire," meaning "to come." In the context of a meeting or assembly, the term "convene" was used to describe assembling or gathering people together for a specific purpose. At the time, the term was associated with religious meetings, as the concept of convening a gathering was closely tied to the convening of a church service or religious ceremony. However, the meaning expanded beyond religious settings over time, and now "convene" is commonly used to describe any formal meeting or assembly. Today, the word "convene" continues to have the same core meaning. In modern English, it typically refers to the process of calling or assembling a group of people, often for a specific meeting or discussion. For example, the chairperson of a committee might convene a meeting to discuss policy recommendations, or a judge might convene a jury to hear a legal case. In this sense, the word "convene" is still closely tied to the idea of coming together or meeting.


to arrange for people to come together for a formal meeting

sắp xếp cho mọi người đến với nhau cho một cuộc họp chính thức

  • to convene a meeting

    triệu tập một cuộc họp

  • A Board of Inquiry was convened immediately after the accident.

    Một Ban điều tra đã được triệu tập ngay sau vụ tai nạn.

  • They decided to convene an extraordinary general meeting.

    Họ quyết định triệu tập một cuộc họp chung bất thường.

to come together for a formal meeting

đến với nhau cho một cuộc họp chính thức

  • The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday.

    Ủy ban sẽ triệu tập vào lúc 11h30 thứ Năm tuần sau.