Definition of confluence


hợp lưu


The word "confluence" has its roots in Latin, derived from "confluens," meaning "flowing together." This Latin term is a combination of "con," meaning "together," and "fluens," meaning "flowing." In English, the word "confluence" originally referred to the coming together of two or more rivers or streams. Over time, its meaning expanded to include any meeting or merging of disparate elements, such as ideas, cultures, or movements. Today, "confluence" can describe a variety of situations where different factors or entities come together, often resulting in a new whole or a significant impact. Despite its evolution, the word's Latin roots remain evident, highlighting the idea of flow, movement, and connection.


the place where two rivers flow together and become one

nơi hai dòng sông cùng chảy và hòa làm một

  • the confluence of the Blue Nile and the White Nile

    sự hợp lưu của sông Nile xanh và sông Nile trắng

the fact of two or more things becoming one

thực tế là hai hoặc nhiều thứ trở thành một

  • a confluence of social factors

    sự kết hợp của các yếu tố xã hội