Definition of intersection


ngã tư, giao lộ


Definition of undefined

The word "intersection" comes from the Latin words "inter," meaning "between," and "sectio," meaning "cutting" or "division." In the 14th century, the term referred to the act of cutting or dividing something into two parts. Over time, the meaning expanded to describe the point or place where two or more things meet or cross, such as two roads, two lines, or two concepts. In the context of geography and urban planning, an intersection refers to the location where two or more roads, streets, or highways meet. This term has been in use since the 17th century and is commonly used in navigation, transportation, and construction. In everyday language, the word "intersection" is often used metaphorically to describe the point where two or more ideas, concepts, or perspectives come together, often leading to new insights or understandings.


a place where two or more roads, lines, etc. meet or cross each other

nơi mà hai hoặc nhiều đường, đường, v.v. gặp nhau hoặc cắt nhau

  • Traffic lights have been placed at all major intersections.

    Đèn giao thông đã được lắp đặt ở tất cả các nút giao thông lớn.

  • It is a busy intersection, almost invariably clogged with traffic.

    Đó là một ngã tư đông đúc, hầu như luôn bị tắc nghẽn giao thông.

  • The accident occurred at the intersection of Mulholland Drive with Canyonback Road.

    Vụ tai nạn xảy ra tại giao lộ Mulholland Drive với Canyonback Road.

the act of intersecting something

hành động giao nhau một cái gì đó