Definition of comrade


Đồng chí


The word "comrade" has a rich history that dates back to the 16th century. It originated from the Old French word "camrade," which was derived from the Latin "cameratu," meaning "chambermate" or "roommate." In medieval times, the term referred to someone who shared a room or chamber with you, often in a noble or aristocratic setting. As the concept of socialism and communism emerged, the term "comrade" took on a new meaning. It was used to describe a fellow worker, a companion in a shared struggle, or a fellow member of a group or organization. The emphasis was on the idea of solidarity, equality, and collective action, rather than just a reference to physical cohabitation. Today, the word "comrade" is often associated with the left-wing political movement, particularly in countries with a socialist or communist past.


a person who is a member of the same communist or socialist political party as the person speaking

một người là thành viên của cùng một đảng chính trị cộng sản hoặc xã hội chủ nghĩa như người đang nói

  • We must fight for our rights, comrades!

    Chúng ta phải đấu tranh cho quyền lợi của mình các đồng chí ạ!

a friend or other person that you work with, especially as soldiers during a war

một người bạn hoặc người khác mà bạn làm việc cùng, đặc biệt là những người lính trong chiến tranh

  • They were old army comrades.

    Họ là những đồng chí quân đội cũ.