Definition of compute


tính toán


The word "compute" has its roots in Latin and Old French. The Latin verb "computare" means "to count together" or "to reckon", and it was first used in the 14th century in English to mean "to calculate" or "to reckon". The term was influenced by the Old French word "compter", which also meant "to count" or "to calculate". Over time, the meaning of "compute" expanded to include the idea of performing mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In the 17th century, the term began to be used more broadly to describe the process of solving mathematical problems, and by the 20th century, it had come to refer to any process that involves processing information, data, or numbers, such as on a computer. Today, the word "compute" is commonly used in a variety of contexts, including mathematics, science, technology, and finance, and its meaning continues to evolve to reflect the rapidly changing nature of computing and technology.


to calculate something

tính toán cái gì đó

  • The losses were computed at £5 million.

    Khoản lỗ được tính toán là 5 triệu bảng Anh.

  • These measurements can be used to compute the average size.

    Những phép đo này có thể được sử dụng để tính toán kích thước trung bình.

to make sense

có ý nghĩa

  • That just doesn't compute.

    Điều đó không tính toán được.