Definition of clerical


chức vụ


The word "clerical" originates from the Latin word "clericus," meaning "priest" or "cleric." In the 14th century, the term referred specifically to a member of the clergy, typically a priest or a monk. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include anyone who worked in an administrative or office role, often in a religious context. In the 17th century, the term "clerical" began to be used in a broader sense to describe any work related to administration, record-keeping, or bookkeeping, regardless of the religious affiliation. Today, the word "clerical" is commonly used in a secular context to describe tasks such as data entry, secretarial work, or other administrative duties. Despite its origins in a religious setting, the word "clerical" has evolved to encompass a wide range of professions and activities.


connected with office work

liên quan đến công việc văn phòng

  • clerical workers/staff/assistants

    nhân viên văn phòng/nhân viên/trợ lý

  • a clerical error (= one made in copying or calculating something)

    một lỗi hành chính (= một lỗi mắc phải khi sao chép hoặc tính toán một cái gì đó)

connected with the clergy (= priests)

có liên quan đến giáo sĩ (= linh mục)

  • a clerical collar (= one that fastens at the back, worn by some priests)

    một cổ áo giáo sĩ (= một cái buộc chặt ở phía sau, được một số linh mục đeo)