Definition of cleavage


sự phân chia


In the 1830s, the term began to be used in geology to describe the process of rock fracture or separation. Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include other types of separation, such as the breaking of a chemical bond or the splitting of a cell. It wasn't until the late 20th century that the term took on a more extensively used connotation in the context of anatomy, specifically referring to the separation of the breasts in women. This sense of the word is attributed to the 1980s, when the term gained popularity in the fashion and beauty industries.


the space between a woman’s breasts that can be seen above a dress that does not completely cover them

khoảng cách giữa hai bầu ngực của phụ nữ có thể nhìn thấy phía trên chiếc váy không che phủ hoàn toàn bầu ngực

  • She leaned forward slightly, revealing a deep cleavage.

    Cô ấy hơi nghiêng người về phía trước, để lộ khe ngực sâu.

a difference or division between people or groups

sự khác biệt hoặc chia rẽ giữa những người hoặc nhóm

  • a deep cleavage between rich and poor in society

    sự phân chia sâu sắc giữa giàu và nghèo trong xã hội