Definition of claimant


người yêu cầu bồi thường


The word "claimant" has its roots in the Latin "clamare," which means "to cry out" or "to assert." In law, a claimant refers to an individual who brings a lawsuit or makes a formal demand against another party. The term has been in use since the 15th century, with early forms such as "clameant" and "clamourant." The modern English word "claimant" emerged in the 17th century, derived from the Latin "clamator," meaning "one who claims." In legal contexts, a claimant is a person who asserts a right, title, or interest in a specific property, asset, or situation, and seeks to defend or establish this claim through legal proceedings. Over time, the term has expanded to include non-legal contexts, such as finance and insurance, where it refers to an individual or organization making a claim for payment or compensation.


a person who claims something because they believe they have a right to it

một người tuyên bố điều gì đó vì họ tin rằng họ có quyền đối với nó

  • a claimant to the throne

    một người đòi ngai vàng

a person who is receiving money from the state because they are unemployed, etc.

người đang nhận tiền từ nhà nước vì họ thất nghiệp, v.v.

  • sickness benefit claimants

    người yêu cầu trợ cấp ốm đau