Definition of cherry


quả anh đào


The word "cherry" has a rich history dating back to the 13th century. It comes from the Old French word "cerise", which is derived from the Latin "ceresium", meaning "dark red". This refers to the fruit's deep red color. The Latin name is thought to be derived from the Greek word "kêros", meaning "berry". In Old English, the fruit was called "gergis" or "chery", and it was considered a delicacy among the nobility. During the Middle Ages, cherry trees were planted in many European countries, and the fruit became a staple in many cuisines. Today, the word "cherry" is used to refer to both the fruit and the tree, and it's enjoyed in various forms around the world, from baked goods to cocktails.


a small soft round fruit with shiny red or black skin and a large seed inside

một loại quả tròn nhỏ, mềm, có vỏ màu đỏ hoặc đen bóng và bên trong có một hạt lớn

Related words and phrases

a tree on which cherries grow, or a similar tree, grown for its flowers

cây có quả anh đào mọc trên đó hoặc cây tương tự được trồng để lấy hoa

  • cherry blossom

    Hoa anh đào

  • a winter-flowering cherry

    một bông hoa anh đào mùa đông

Related words and phrases

the wood of the cherry tree

gỗ của cây anh đào

Related words and phrases

a bright red colour

một màu đỏ tươi


a bite at/of the cherry
(British English)an opportunity to do something
  • You only get one bite at the cherry in life.
  • They were eager for a second bite of the cherry.