Definition of chargeable


có thể tính phí


As language evolved, the meaning of "chargeable" expanded to include the idea of being accountable or responsible for something. In the 17th century, the term began to be used in business contexts to describe expenses or debts that were payable or billed to someone. Today, "chargeable" is commonly used in accounting, law, and everyday language to describe something that can be attributed to a particular cost or expense. Whether it's a toll, a tax, or a bill, the root of the word "chargeable" remains tied to the idea of being burdened or accountable for something.


that must be paid by somebody

cái đó phải được trả bởi ai đó

  • Any expenses you may incur will be chargeable to the company.

    Bất kỳ chi phí nào phát sinh đều sẽ do công ty chi trả.

that you must pay tax on

mà bạn phải trả thuế

  • chargeable earnings/income

    thu nhập chịu thuế/thu nhập