Definition of billing


thanh toán


The word "billing" has its origins in the 14th century. It comes from the Old French word "bilier," which means "to bill" or "to billow." In Middle English, the word "billing" referred to the act of thrusting or striking, often with force or violence. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to describe the act of sending or presenting a bill for payment, particularly in a commercial or business context. In the 16th century, "billing" became associated with the practice of presenting an invoice or bill for goods or services rendered. The word has since become a common term in finance, commerce, and medicine, used to describe the process of sending a bill or charging for services or goods. Today, "billing" is an essential part of many industries, from healthcare to telecommunications, and is used by individuals and businesses alike to manage their financial transactions.


the position, especially an important one, that somebody is advertised or described as having in a show, etc.

vị trí, đặc biệt là vị trí quan trọng, mà ai đó được quảng cáo hoặc mô tả là có trong một chương trình, v.v.

  • to have top/star billing

    để có hóa đơn hàng đầu/sao

  • The team justified their billing as the clear favourites to win.

    Đội bóng đã chứng minh được rằng họ là ứng cử viên sáng giá nhất cho chức vô địch.

the act of preparing and sending bills to customers

hành động chuẩn bị và gửi hóa đơn cho khách hàng

the total amount of business that a company does in a particular period of time

tổng số lượng doanh nghiệp mà một công ty thực hiện trong một khoảng thời gian cụ thể

  • billings around $7 million

    hóa đơn khoảng 7 triệu USD

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