Definition of brotherhood


tình huynh đệ


The word "brotherhood" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. The term "brother" comes from the Proto-Germanic word "brōþiz," which means "male sibling" or "kinsman." The suffix "-hood" is derived from the Old English word "hȳd," meaning "state" or "condition." Thus, "brotherhood" initially referred to the relationship between brothers or male relatives. Over time, the term expanded to describe a bond between individuals who share a common purpose, identity, or experience. In the 18th century, the term "brotherhood" emerged in reference to fraternal organizations, such as Freemasonry and secret societies. Today, "brotherhood" can encompass a wide range of contexts, including social clubs, volunteer groups, and even fictional communities. Throughout its evolution, the word "brotherhood" has maintained its core meaning of unity, camaraderie, and shared affiliation.


friendship and understanding between people

tình bạn và sự hiểu biết giữa mọi người

  • to live in peace and brotherhood

    sống trong hòa bình và tình huynh đệ

  • The group tries to promote a spirit of brotherhood among its members.

    Nhóm cố gắng thúc đẩy tinh thần anh em giữa các thành viên.

an organization formed for a particular purpose, especially a religious society or political organization

một tổ chức được thành lập cho một mục đích cụ thể, đặc biệt là một xã hội tôn giáo hoặc tổ chức chính trị

  • a brotherhood of union members

    tình anh em của các đoàn viên

the relationship of brothers

mối quan hệ của anh em

  • the ties of brotherhood

    mối quan hệ của tình anh em