Definition of fraternity


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The origin of the word "fraternity" can be traced back to medieval Europe, where it referred to the bond between male siblings who shared a common ancestry. The Latin word "fraternitas" literally means "brotherhood," which was adopted into Old French as "fraternite" before making its way into Middle English as "fraternitee" in the 14th century. However, the use of the term "fraternity" to describe social organizations initially bore a different meaning. In the early 17th century, it was applied to groups of priests who lived together in a joint abode, called a "fraternity house." Eventually, the term expanded in scope to refer to any group of people with a common interest or goal, such as a professional association or a club. In the United States, the usage of "fraternity" in reference to social fraternal organizations for college men became widespread in the mid-19th century, originally known as "Greek letter societies." The National Interfraternity Conference (NIC), which represents over 70 such fraternities, defines a fraternity as "an independent, self-governing society of men associated together around a common intellectual, academic, or cultural mission." Thus, the modern-day connotation of fraternity centers around the interconnectedness between like-minded individuals who share a common allegiance and strive to uphold the values and beliefs that the organization embodies.


a group of people sharing the same profession, interests or beliefs

một nhóm người có cùng nghề nghiệp, sở thích hoặc tín ngưỡng

  • members of the medical/banking/racing, etc. fraternity

    thành viên của tổ chức y tế/ngân hàng/đua xe, v.v.

a club for a group of male students at an American college or university

câu lạc bộ dành cho một nhóm sinh viên nam tại một trường cao đẳng hoặc đại học ở Mỹ

Related words and phrases

a feeling of friendship and support that exists between the members of a group

một cảm giác về tình bạn và sự hỗ trợ tồn tại giữa các thành viên của một nhóm

  • the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity

    lý tưởng tự do, bình đẳng và bác ái