Definition of blue


xanh, màu xanh lam


Definition of undefined

The word "blue" has a fascinating history. The English word "blue" is derived from the Old English word "blēc", which meant "shining" or "gleaming". This was likely influenced by the Proto-Germanic word "*blakiz", which is also the source of the Modern German word "blau" meaning "blue". The Proto-Germanic word is thought to have been derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*bhel-", which meant "to shine" or "to gleam". This root is also the source of other English words like "believe", "belfry", and "b blindness". Over time, the meaning of the word "blue" expanded to include the color we know today, with the first recorded use of the word to describe the color dating back to around 714 AD. Today, the word "blue" is used in many languages and is an essential part of our everyday vocabulary.


having the colour of a clear sky or the sea on a clear day

có màu của bầu trời trong xanh hoặc của biển vào một ngày quang đãng

  • piercing blue eyes

    đôi mắt xanh xuyên thấu

  • The sun shone brilliantly in the clear blue sky.

    Mặt trời chiếu sáng rực rỡ trên bầu trời trong xanh.

  • His eyes were dark blue.

    Đôi mắt của anh ấy có màu xanh đậm.

  • She wanted to dye her hair blue.

    Cô ấy muốn nhuộm tóc màu xanh.

  • a blue shirt

    cái áo màu xanh

  • a navy blue jumper

    một chiếc áo liền quần màu xanh hải quân

  • her vivid blue eyes

    đôi mắt xanh sống động của cô ấy

Related words and phrases

looking slightly blue in colour because the person is cold or cannot breathe easily

trông hơi xanh vì người đó lạnh hoặc khó thở

  • His lips were turning blue.

    Môi anh ấy chuyển sang màu xanh.

  • Her hands were blue with cold.

    Bàn tay cô xanh xao vì lạnh.



  • He'd been feeling blue all week.

    Anh ấy đã buồn bã cả tuần nay.

Related words and phrases

films, jokes or stories that are blue are about sex

phim, truyện cười hay truyện màu xanh đều nói về tình dục

  • a blue movie

    một bộ phim màu xanh

(of an area in the US) having more people who vote for the Democratic candidate than the Republican one

(của một khu vực ở Hoa Kỳ) có nhiều người bỏ phiếu cho ứng cử viên Đảng Dân chủ hơn ứng cử viên Đảng Cộng hòa

  • blue states/counties

    tiểu bang/quận màu xanh lam

Related words and phrases


between the devil and the deep blue sea
in a difficult situation where there are two equally unpleasant or unacceptable choices
(beat somebody) black and blue
(to hit somebody until they are) covered with bruises (= blue, brown or purple marks on the body)
clear blue water (between A and B)
a complete difference or division between two people or groups
  • Voters want to see clear blue water between the main parties.
  • They failed to put clear blue water between themselves and their competitors.
  • do something till you are blue in the face
    (informal)to try to do something as hard and as long as you possibly can but without success
  • You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you won't change my mind.
  • once in a blue moon
    (informal)very rarely
    scream blue murder
    to scream loudly and for a long time, especially in order to protest about something