Definition of bloody1




Word Originmid 17th cent.: from bloody2. The use of bloody to add emphasis to an expression is of uncertain origin, but is thought to have a connection with the “bloods” (aristocratic rowdies) of the late 17th and early 18th centuries; hence the phrase bloody drunk (= as drunk as a blood) meant “very drunk indeed”. After the mid 18th cent. until quite recently bloody used as a swear word was regarded as unprintable, probably from the mistaken belief that it implied a blasphemous reference to the blood of Christ, or that the word was an alteration of “by Our Lady”; hence a widespread caution in using the term even in phrases, such as bloody battle, merely referring to bloodshed.

  • That pizza was absolutely bloody delicious!

    Chiếc pizza đó thực sự ngon tuyệt!

  • I can't believe I lost my wallet again, it's bloody infuriating.

    Tôi không thể tin là mình lại làm mất ví lần nữa, thật là tức điên.

  • After working all night, I am bloody exhausted.

    Sau khi làm việc suốt đêm, tôi kiệt sức.

  • This traffic is bloody ridiculous, why is there so much congestion?

    Tình trạng giao thông này thật nực cười, tại sao lại có nhiều tắc nghẽn như vậy?

  • That football match was a bloody boring snooze fest.

    Trận bóng đá đó thực sự là một trận đấu buồn tẻ và nhàm chán.

  • My stomach has been bloody upset ever since I ate that spicy food.

    Dạ dày tôi khó chịu kinh khủng kể từ khi tôi ăn đồ ăn cay đó.

  • I can't believe he just said that, it's bloody rude.

    Tôi không thể tin anh ta vừa nói thế, thật là thô lỗ.

  • That headline is bloody misleading, it's spreading false information.

    Tiêu đề đó thực sự gây hiểu lầm, nó lan truyền thông tin sai lệch.

  • This coffee is so strong it's bloody unbearable.

    Cà phê này mạnh đến mức không thể chịu nổi.

  • The deadline for this project is bloody unrealistic, how am I supposed to meet it?

    Thời hạn cho dự án này thực sự không thực tế, làm sao tôi có thể hoàn thành được?


bloody well
(British English, offensive, slang)used to emphasize an angry statement or an order
  • You can bloody well keep your job—I don't want it!
  • ‘I’m not coming.’ ‘Yes, you bloody well are!’