Definition of birthplace


nơi sinh


The word "birthplace" is a compound word, combining "birth" and "place." "Birth" comes from the Old English word "gebyrð," meaning "birth, delivery." It's related to the verb "bear" (to give birth), which has a Germanic root. "Place" comes from the Old French word "place," meaning "place, square." This word derives from the Latin word "platea," meaning "broad, open space," and ultimately from the Greek word "platys," meaning "broad, wide." So, "birthplace" literally means "the place of birth."


the house or area where a person was born, especially a famous person

ngôi nhà hoặc khu vực nơi một người sinh ra, đặc biệt là một người nổi tiếng

the place where something first happened

nơi mà điều gì đó lần đầu tiên xảy ra

  • Hawaii was the birthplace of surfing.

    Hawaii là nơi khai sinh ra môn lướt sóng.

  • Shrewsbury is famous for being the birthplace of Charles Darwin.

    Shrewsbury nổi tiếng là nơi sinh của Charles Darwin.