Definition of bilious




The word "bilious" originates from the Latin word "bilis," meaning "bile," which was one of the four bodily fluids (along with blood, phlegm, and melancholy) believed by ancient Greeks and Romans to compose the body. In medieval medicine, bile was thought to be responsible for determining a person's temperament, with people having a bitter, irritable, or choleric personality being said to have "bile" in excess. As a result, the term "bilious" emerged to describe someone with a sour, irritable, or easily angered disposition. This association with bile as a cause of bad temper persisted well into the 19th century. Today, however, "bilious" is more commonly used to describe a sour or bitter taste, or (especially in British English) a state of being queasy or nauseous.


feeling as if you might vomit soon

cảm giác như thể bạn có thể nôn sớm

  • I felt a little bilious after last night’s dinner.

    Tôi cảm thấy hơi buồn bã sau bữa tối tối qua.

  • a bilious attack

    một cuộc tấn công song phương

creating an unpleasant effect

tạo ra hiệu ứng khó chịu

  • a bilious green dress

    một chiếc váy màu xanh lá cây

angry; full of anger

tức giận; đầy giận dữ