Definition of bile




The word "bile" derives from the Old English word "bil" which also means gall. Gall is a bitter, greenish-yellow fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Bile plays a crucial role in the digestion of fats by emulsifying them, allowing them to be properly absorbed. The term "bilious" which refers to a person's having an excessive production of bile, can also be traced back to the Old English word "bil". However, the usage of the word "bile" in the medical context also has a historical association with the ancient theory that yellow bile, known as choler, was one of the four bodily fluids or "humors" that contributed to a person's temperament under the theory of humorism. Although this concept is no longer widely accepted in modern medicine, the term "bile" has retained its significance in gastrointestinal physiology.


the green-brown liquid with a bitter unpleasant taste that is produced by the liver to help the body to deal with the fats we eat, and that can come into your mouth when you vomit with an empty stomach

chất lỏng màu xanh nâu có vị đắng khó chịu do gan sản xuất để giúp cơ thể xử lý chất béo mà chúng ta ăn và có thể chảy vào miệng khi bạn nôn khi bụng đói

a strong feeling of anger or hating somebody/something

cảm giác tức giận hoặc ghét ai đó/cái gì đó mạnh mẽ

  • The critic's review of the play was just a paragraph of bile.

    Bài phê bình vở kịch của nhà phê bình chỉ là một đoạn văn cay đắng.

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