Definition of scripture


Kinh thánh


The word "scripture" derives from the Latin word "scriptura," which means "writing" or "something written down." This term was adopted by early Christians to describe the sacred texts they revered, specifically the Greek and Hebrew scriptures that they believed were divinely inspired and authoritative. The original Greek word used for these writings was "graphē," meaning "writing," which was later translated into Latin as "scriptura." The English word "scripture" is derived from the Middle English "scriptur" and Old French "escriture," both senses of which trace back to the Latin "scriptura." Ultimately, the term "scripture" refers to the written word of God, considered to be divine revelation and the chief source of religious authority and truth.


the Bible

kinh Thánh

Extra examples:
  • She read from the scriptures.

    Cô đọc từ thánh thư.

  • He teaches the holy scriptures as he travels around.

    Anh ấy dạy thánh thư khi đi du lịch khắp nơi.

  • You won't find this moral precept in the scriptures.

    Bạn sẽ không tìm thấy giới luật đạo đức này trong kinh thánh.

the holy books of a particular religion

những cuốn sách thánh của một tôn giáo cụ thể

  • Hindu scriptures

    kinh điển Hindu

  • the sacred scriptures of the Buddhists

    kinh điển thiêng liêng của Phật tử