Definition of bento


cơm hộp


The word "bento" originated from the Japanese language and refers to a single-portion packed meal. The term itself derives from the Japanese verb "benkuu," which translates to "to pack." The history of bento can be traced back to ancient Japan, during the Heian period (794-1185), where aristocrats enjoyed a variety of boxed meals that were both elegant and decorative. These elaborate bento boxes were comprised of bite-sized portions of rice, vegetables, and seafood, decorated with intricate designs using vegetables and dried seaweed. The modern, practical concept of bento as a portable and convenient meal for everyday life developed during the Edo period (1603-1868), when bento gained popularity among the working-class who required a meal to take to work. These bento boxes were smaller than those of the aristocracy, containing a simple mix of rice, pickled vegetables, and miso soup. After the Second World War, as Japanese farmers struggled to adapt to changes in the agricultural industry, the concept of bento expanded to become a popular and practical option for cheap, healthy, and portable meals. Today, bento has become a significant part of Japanese culture, with many varieties available on menus across Japan and other parts of the world. In summary, "bento" originated from the Japanese verb "benkuu," meaning "to pack," and has evolved from an elaborate meal for aristocrats to a practical and portable option for the working-class, and now continues as a significant part of Japanese food culture.


a Japanese-style packed lunch, consisting of rice, vegetables, meat, fish, etc., traditionally served in a wooden box

một bữa trưa đóng hộp theo phong cách Nhật Bản, bao gồm cơm, rau, thịt, cá, v.v., theo truyền thống được phục vụ trong hộp gỗ

  • For my lunch I bought a bento in the shop across the street.

    Tôi mua một suất cơm hộp cho bữa trưa ở cửa hàng bên kia đường.

a decorated Japanese lunch box, made of wood

hộp đựng cơm trưa Nhật Bản được trang trí, làm bằng gỗ

  • Kyoko nodded and took out her bento box.

    Kyoko gật đầu và lấy hộp cơm bento ra.