Definition of bankrupt


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The word "bankrupt" has its origins in medieval Italy, dating back to the 14th century. The term is derived from the Italian words "banca" (bank) and "rottare" (to break or to destroy). In the context of commerce, a "banca rotta" referred to a commercial failure or a failed business venture. When a merchant or trader became insolvent, their goods and assets would be confiscated by the city authorities, essentially "breaking" their financial structure. Over time, the term evolved into "bankrupt" and was adopted into various languages, including English. In modern times, the term is used to describe an individual or organization that is unable to pay their debts and is therefore forced to declare financial insolvency. Despite its negative connotations, the word "bankrupt" has become an essential part of the global business vocabulary.


without enough money to pay what you owe

không có đủ tiền để trả những gì bạn nợ

  • They went bankrupt in 2009.

    Họ đã phá sản vào năm 2009.

  • The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court.

    Công ty bị tuyên bố phá sản tại Tòa án tối cao.

Extra examples:
  • Hundreds of firms went bankrupt during the recession.

    Hàng trăm công ty phá sản trong thời kỳ suy thoái.

  • She had to pay the mortgage after her husband was declared bankrupt.

    Cô phải trả tiền thế chấp sau khi chồng cô bị tuyên bố phá sản.

  • After the war, Britain was weary and bankrupt.

    Sau chiến tranh, nước Anh mệt mỏi và phá sản.

  • She lost the house after she was made bankrupt.

    Cô ấy bị mất ngôi nhà sau khi bị phá sản.

  • The firm went bankrupt in 2003 and all its assets were sold off.

    Công ty bị phá sản vào năm 2003 và toàn bộ tài sản đã bị bán đi.

Related words and phrases

having absolutely nothing of any value

hoàn toàn không có gì có giá trị

  • a government bankrupt of new ideas

    một chính phủ phá sản những ý tưởng mới

  • a society that is morally bankrupt

    một xã hội bị phá sản về mặt đạo đức