Definition of backstop


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The word "backstop" is a term that originated in the 17th century in the sport of cricket. In cricket, the backstop is the wicket-keeper's assistant, who is positioned behind the wicket-keeper, typically behind the batsman's back, to catch any ball that is missed or deflected. The backstop's main task is to prevent the ball from running away to the boundary, thus helping the wicket-keeper to complete the dismissals. Over time, the term "backstop" has been borrowed and adapted in other contexts, such as international relations, business, and finance. In these fields, a backstop refers to a safeguard or a safety net that protects against potential risks or uncertainties. For example, in trade agreements, a backstop might be a failsafe mechanism that ensures fair trade practices, while in finance, a backstop might be a reserve fund to absorb losses in times of crisis.


a fence or screen used to stop balls from going outside the playing area

hàng rào hoặc màn chắn được sử dụng để ngăn bóng ra khỏi khu vực chơi

  • Some of his pitches hit the backstop.

    Một số cú ném của anh ấy đã chạm tới điểm cản phá.

the player who stands behind the person who is batting and catches the ball if that person does not hit it

người chơi đứng sau người đang đánh bóng và bắt bóng nếu người đó không đánh bóng

Related words and phrases

something that is done or prepared in advance in order to prevent worse problems if something goes wrong

điều gì đó được thực hiện hoặc chuẩn bị trước để ngăn ngừa những vấn đề tồi tệ hơn nếu có điều gì đó không ổn

  • The country needs a financial backstop to deal with bank failures.

    Đất nước cần có sự hỗ trợ tài chính để giải quyết tình trạng phá sản của ngân hàng.