Definition of asp




The word "asp" has its roots in Old English and has been used to refer to the aspen tree (Populus tremula) since the 9th century. The term is derived from the Old English word "æspe", which was later modified to "asp" in Middle English (circa 1100-1500). Initially, the word was used to describe the tree itself, but it eventually came to refer to the wood of the aspen tree, known for its unique white marks. Over time, the term "asp" has also been used to describe the tree's leaves, known as "asp leaves" or "poplar leaves". Today, the word "asp" is still used in various contexts, including literature, poetry, and natural history.


a small poisonous snake found in south-west Europe

một con rắn độc nhỏ được tìm thấy ở phía tây nam châu Âu

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