Definition of venom


Nọc độc


The word "venom" derives from the Old French word "venin," which in turn originated from the Latin "venenum," meaning "poison." The phrase "veni vidi vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered), famously uttered by Julius Caesar upon his triumph over Pompeii, has been credited as an indirect inspiration for the etymology of the word venom. In the context of venomous animals, the term "venom" refers to a mixture of toxic substances that can be secreted, injected, or otherwise delivered to prey, predators, or competitors by certain species such as snakes, spiders, and some marine animals. Although venom's purpose varies depending on the animal, it commonly serves to immobilize or kill prey, help in digestion, defend against competitors, or ward off predators. The use of venom in biological warfare has also been known, although such instances are rarer and typically occur among venomous animal species themselves, such as sacred cobras fighting over territory or mating rights. The medical community has, however, made use of some animal venoms, including those of piranha and cone snails, to create tropical anesthetics. Overall, the word "venom" continues to evolve, with new uses evident in phrases like "cold-hearted venomous criticism" or "venomous political intrigue," where it denotes a strong sense of hostility, malice, or malevolence.


the poisonous liquid that some snakes, spiders, etc. produce when they bite or sting you

chất lỏng độc hại mà một số loài rắn, nhện, v.v. tạo ra khi chúng cắn hoặc chích bạn

  • The snake injects the venom immediately after biting its prey.

    Con rắn tiêm nọc độc ngay sau khi cắn con mồi.

  • Centipedes kill their prey by injecting venom into them with a large pair of fangs.

    Rết giết con mồi bằng cách tiêm nọc độc vào chúng bằng một cặp răng nanh lớn.

  • Snake venoms work in several ways.

    Nọc rắn hoạt động theo nhiều cách.

a strong, bitter feeling; feelings of hate and a desire to hurt somebody

một cảm giác mạnh mẽ, cay đắng; cảm giác ghét và mong muốn làm tổn thương ai đó

  • His voice was full of venom.

    Giọng nói của anh ta đầy nọc độc.

  • a look of pure venom

    một cái nhìn đầy nọc độc thuần khiết

Extra examples:
  • His voice dripped with venom.

    Giọng anh đầy nọc độc.

  • Most of her venom was directed at the President.

    Hầu hết nọc độc của cô đều nhắm vào Tổng thống.

  • She said it quickly and with venom.

    Cô ấy nói nhanh và đầy ác ý.

Related words and phrases

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spit venom/blood
to show that you are very angry; to speak in an angry way
  • She looked at him with eyes that spat venom.
  • She surveyed him coldly with eyes that spat venom.