Definition of alienation


xa lánh


The word "alienation" traces its roots back to the Latin word "alienare," meaning "to make strange or foreign." This signifies a sense of estrangement or separation from something familiar. The term evolved through the French word "aliéner," which also carries connotations of making someone or something "other" or distant. The concept of alienation has a rich history in philosophy, psychology, and sociology, and it encompasses both the personal experience of feeling disconnected from oneself, others, or society, and the systemic forces that contribute to such feelings.


the act of making somebody less friendly towards you

hành động làm cho ai đó ít thân thiện hơn với bạn

  • The new policy resulted in the alienation of many voters.

    Chính sách mới dẫn đến sự xa lánh của nhiều cử tri.

the feeling that you do not belong in a particular group

cảm giác rằng bạn không thuộc về một nhóm cụ thể

  • Many young people suffer from a sense of alienation.

    Nhiều bạn trẻ phải chịu đựng cảm giác xa lạ.