Definition of affiliation


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The word "affiliation" has its roots in the Latin words "affiliare" and "affiliatio." "Affiliare" means "to join or unite" and "affiliatio" means "a joining or union." The term was first used in the 15th century to describe a person's connection or link to a particular group, organization, or community. Over time, the meaning of "affiliation" expanded to include a variety of relationships, such as a person's association with a particular interest or cause, a professional network, or a volunteer group. Today, the word is commonly used in fields such as business, education, and healthcare to describe personal or organizational connections. For example, a person might have an affiliation with a university, indicating their employment or academic status with the institution, or they might have an affiliation with a professional organization, such as a medical society or trade union.


a person’s connection with a political party, religion, etc.

mối liên hệ của một người với một đảng chính trị, tôn giáo, v.v.

  • He was arrested because of his political affiliation.

    Anh ta bị bắt vì liên quan đến chính trị của mình.

Extra examples:
  • voters who have no party affiliations

    cử tri không theo đảng nào

  • the diverse religious affiliations of Ghanaian Americans

    sự liên kết tôn giáo đa dạng của người Mỹ gốc Ghana

one group or organization’s official connection with another

sự kết nối chính thức của một nhóm hoặc tổ chức với nhóm khác

  • Trade unions have a long history of affiliation to the Labour Party.

    Công đoàn có lịch sử lâu đời gắn bó với Đảng Lao động.

  • the institute's affiliation with the university

    sự liên kết của viện với trường đại học