Definition of abdomen


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Definition of undefined

The word "abdomen" originates from the Latin word "abdomen", which means "belly" or "stomach". This term was derived from the Greek word "abdomen" (ἄβδομαι), meaning "to swell", likely due to the fact that the abdominal region is prone to swelling when the stomach is filled with food or fluids. The Latin term was first used in the 14th century in medical contexts, particularly in reference to the abdominal cavity. Over time, the term "abdomen" became the standard term in English and other languages to describe the visceral cavity, which includes the stomach, intestines, liver, and other organs. Today, the word "abdomen" is still widely used in medical and anatomical contexts to refer to this vital part of the human body.


the part of the body below the chest that contains the stomach, bowels, etc.

phần cơ thể bên dưới ngực có chứa dạ dày, ruột, v.v.

  • Patients reported pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen.

    Bệnh nhân báo cáo đau ở ngực dưới hoặc bụng trên.

the end part of an insect’s body that is attached to its thorax

phần cuối của cơ thể côn trùng được gắn vào ngực của nó