Định nghĩa của từ court of appeal

court of appealnoun

Tòa án phúc thẩm

/ˌkɔːt əv əˈpiːl//ˌkɔːrt əv əˈpiːl/


a court that people can go to in order to try and change decisions that have been made by a lower court

Ví dụ:
  • There is a right of appeal to the court of appeal.

Từ, cụm từ liên quan

the highest court in England and Wales (apart from the Supreme Court), which can change decisions made by a lower court

Ví dụ:
  • The Court of Appeal dismissed the defendant’s appeal.

one of the courts in the US that can change decisions made by a lower court

Từ, cụm từ liên quan