Definition of zip


khóa kéo


Definition of undefined

The word "zip" originated in the late 19th century in the United States. Initially, it was used to describe the sound of a swift or sharp movement, similar to the "zip" of a whip cracking or the "zip" of a jacket closing. This sense of the word is often attributed to the noise made by the compressed air released from a clothes zip fastener. The word "zip" gained popularity in the early 20th century, particularly in the 1920s, when it began to be used as a verb, meaning to move quickly or suddenly. For example, "He zipped across the floor." This sense of the word is thought to have originated from the idea of an object or person moving rapidly, like a zipper moving swiftly along a seam. Since then, the word "zip" has evolved to encompass various meanings, such as a sense of speed or efficiency, like "This new software will zip through tasks in no time."


a thing that you use to fasten clothes, bags, etc. It consists of two rows of metal or plastic teeth that you can pull together to close something or pull apart to open it.

một thứ mà bạn dùng để buộc chặt quần áo, túi xách, v.v. Nó bao gồm hai hàng răng bằng kim loại hoặc nhựa mà bạn có thể kéo lại với nhau để đóng thứ gì đó hoặc kéo ra để mở nó.

  • to do up/undo/open/close a zip

    thực hiện/hoàn tác/mở/đóng một zip

  • My zip's stuck.

    Zip của tôi bị kẹt.

Extra examples:
  • The jacket was fastened by a zip at the front.

    Chiếc áo khoác được buộc chặt bằng khóa kéo ở phía trước.

  • The zip on my bag has stuck.

    Khóa kéo trên túi của tôi bị kẹt.

  • a bag with a zip

    một cái túi có khóa kéo

energy or speed

năng lượng hoặc tốc độ


Không có gì

  • We won four zip (= 4–0).

    Chúng tôi đã thắng 4 zip (= 4–0).

  • He said zip all evening.

    Anh ấy nói zip suốt buổi tối.