Definition of wrecker


người phá hoại


The origin of the word "wrecker" is fascinating. It dates back to the 17th century, when it referred to a type of vessel that cleared the sea of wreckage from shipwrecks. These specialized ships would salvage valuable cargo and materials from sunken ships, often in treacherous waters. Over time, the term "wrecker" also came to describe people who engaged in this dangerous and lucrative business. By the 19th century, the term had taken on a broader meaning, describing anyone who caused damage or destruction, often unintentionally. Today, the word "wrecker" is used in various contexts, from navigation to reputation, to describe someone or something that causes harm or chaos. Despite its evolution, the core idea of a "wrecker" remains rooted in the original concept of wrecking and salvaging.


a person who destroys another person’s plans, relationship, etc.

một người phá hoại kế hoạch, mối quan hệ, v.v. của người khác

  • She saw him as the wrecker of all her dreams.

    Cô coi anh là kẻ phá hủy mọi giấc mơ của cô.

a vehicle used for moving other vehicles that have been damaged in an accident

một phương tiện được sử dụng để di chuyển những phương tiện khác bị hư hỏng trong một vụ tai nạn

  • the wrecker’s yard

    sân của kẻ phá hoại