Definition of wholesomeness


sự lành mạnh


The word "wholesomeness" has its roots in Old English. The adjective "whole" meant "entire, complete, untouched" and "some" means "quality, condition". So, "wholesomeness" originally referred to the state of being complete, entire, or unadulterated. This sense of completeness and integrity became associated with moral and ethical qualities, implying that something wholesome was good, pure, and free from corruption. In the 14th century, the word "wholesomeness" took on a broader meaning, encompassing not only physical but also moral and spiritual integrity. It described something that was healthful, beneficial, and virtuous. Today, the word is often used to describe qualities such as honesty, kindness, and sincerity, which are essential for building strong relationships and living a fulfilling life.


the quality of being good for your health

chất lượng tốt cho sức khỏe của bạn

  • the flavour and wholesomeness of home-cooked food

    hương vị và sự lành mạnh của thức ăn nấu tại nhà

the quality of being morally good

chất lượng của việc tốt về mặt đạo đức

  • their belief in the essential wholesomeness of American values

    niềm tin của họ vào sự toàn vẹn cốt lõi của các giá trị Mỹ