Definition of washable


có thể giặt được


The word "washable" originated in the 15th century from the Old French word "lavageable", meaning "able to be washed". This term is derived from the Latin words "lava", meaning "to wash", and the suffix "-able", which forms an adjective indicating capability or ability. Initially, "washable" referred to the ability of something to be cleaned or washed with water. Over time, the meaning expanded to include the ability to withstand repeated washing and cleaning. In the 17th century, the term became commonly used in the context of textiles, specifically to describe fabrics that could be washed and reused. Today, the word "washable" is widely used in various contexts, including household cleaning products, clothing, and even digital files and data. Despite its evolution, the word remains rooted in its original meaning, emphasizing the importance of being able to clean and maintain something.


that can be washed without being damaged

có thể giặt mà không bị hư hỏng

  • machine washable (= that can be washed in a washing machine)

    có thể giặt bằng máy (= có thể giặt bằng máy giặt)

  • The cotton covers are fully washable.

    Vỏ bọc bằng cotton có thể giặt được hoàn toàn.

  • Use washable blankets.

    Sử dụng chăn có thể giặt được.

that can be removed from something by washing it

có thể loại bỏ khỏi thứ gì đó bằng cách rửa nó

  • washable ink/paint/marker pens

    bút mực/sơn/bút đánh dấu có thể rửa sạch