Definition of wader




"Wader" comes from the Old English word "wædere," meaning "one who wades." This word itself is derived from the verb "wædan," meaning "to wade." The term "wade" referred to walking through shallow water, which is precisely what these birds do in their wetland habitats. Therefore, the word "wader" effectively describes the birds' characteristic behavior of walking through water in search of food.


any of several different types of bird with long legs that feed in shallow water

bất kỳ loại chim nào có chân dài kiếm ăn ở vùng nước nông

long rubber boots that reach up to your thigh, that you wear for standing in water, especially when fishing

ủng cao su dài tới đùi, bạn mang khi đứng dưới nước, đặc biệt là khi câu cá

  • a pair of waders

    một cặp lội nước