Definition of voyeuristic


tò mò


The word "voyeuristic" is derived from the French word "voyeur," which translates to "one who looks" or "peeping tom." The word voyeur itself has its roots in the old French word "veoir," which means "to see." The term voyeuristic, therefore, refers to the tendency to derive pleasure or satisfaction from observing others, often in situations where privacy is expected. It's commonly used to describe people who get aroused by looking at or watching others, whether in intimate or non-intimate settings. In a broader sense, voyeuristic behavior can also describe a general fascination with aspects of other people's lives that are not readily available to them, such as hidden parts of their personality or habits. It's a concept that has evolved alongside advancements in technology, which have made it increasingly easier to observe others without their knowledge or consent. Overall, voyeuristic behavior is a complex and often problematic phenomenon that has given rise to debates around issues like privacy, consent, andAcceptable sexual behaviors. But beyond its negative connotations, the concept of voyeuristic behavior also highlights the intricacies of human curiosity, desire, and relationships with others.


getting pleasure by secretly watching people who are wearing no clothes or having sex

tìm khoái cảm bằng cách lén lút nhìn người khác không mặc quần áo hoặc quan hệ tình dục

gaining pleasure from watching the problems and private lives of others

có được niềm vui khi quan sát những vấn đề và cuộc sống riêng tư của người khác

  • a voyeuristic interest in other people’s lives

    sự quan tâm tò mò về cuộc sống của người khác