Definition of ultrasound


siêu âm


The word "ultrasound" was coined in the mid-20th century to describe the use of high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the internal organs of the body. The term is derived from the prefix "ultra-", which means "beyond" or "beyond usual", and the suffix "-sonal", which refers to sound. The term was first used in the 1950s, when sonar technology was adapted for medical imaging. The first ultrasound machines used sound waves to produce images of the fetus during pregnancy, allowing for prenatal diagnosis and monitoring. Since then, the term "ultrasound" has become widely used to describe a range of medical imaging techniques that use sound waves to create images of the body. The technology has evolved significantly over the years, with modern ultrasound machines capable of producing high-quality images of internal organs and tissues. Today, ultrasound is a widely used medical diagnostic tool, used in fields such as obstetrics, cardiology, and rheumatology.


sound that is higher than humans can hear

âm thanh cao hơn mức con người có thể nghe được

a medical process that produces an image of what is inside your body

một quá trình y tế tạo ra hình ảnh về những gì bên trong cơ thể bạn

  • Ultrasound showed she was expecting twins.

    Siêu âm cho thấy cô đang mang thai đôi.

  • an ultrasound scan

    quét siêu âm

  • ultrasound scanning

    quét siêu âm