Definition of twitchy


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The word "twitchy" has an interesting origin. It dates back to the 16th century, when a "twitch" referred to a sudden, brief contraction of a muscle or a convulsive movement. Over time, the term "twitchy" emerged to describe someone who was prone to such involuntary movements, often out of nervousness or anxiety. In the 19th century, "twitchy" began to take on a more figurative meaning, describing someone or something that was fussy, restless, or overly sensitive. This sense has persisted in modern English, with "twitchy" often used to describe someone who is on edge, irritable, or easily upset. Interestingly, the word "twitch" itself is related to the Old English word "twicgan", which means "to stir" or "to move suddenly". So, in a way, the word "twitchy" has its roots in the idea of sudden, uncontrollable movements!


nervous or anxious about something

lo lắng hoặc bồn chồn về điều gì đó

  • As the time for her driving test approached, she started to get twitchy.

    Khi thời điểm thi lấy bằng lái xe đến gần, cô bắt đầu cảm thấy lo lắng.

  • He felt twitchy about the prospect of losing his job.

    Anh ấy cảm thấy lo lắng về viễn cảnh mất việc.

Related words and phrases

making sudden, quick movements

thực hiện những chuyển động đột ngột, nhanh chóng

  • Her legs began to feel twitchy.

    Chân cô bắt đầu cảm thấy run rẩy.