Definition of troubled


rắc rối


The word "troubled" has roots in Old English, specifically the word "trublian," meaning "to disturb, to perplex, to make anxious." This word itself is likely derived from the Proto-Germanic word "trubljan," sharing a similar meaning of causing confusion or agitation. Over time, "trublian" evolved into "trouble," and its past participle form, "troubled," retained the sense of being disturbed or distressed. The word's usage broadened to encompass not just mental anguish but also physical hardship and external difficulties.


worried and anxious

lo lắng và lo lắng

  • She looked into his troubled face.

    Cô nhìn vào khuôn mặt bối rối của anh.

  • She still felt vaguely troubled by it all.

    Cô vẫn cảm thấy lo lắng mơ hồ về tất cả những điều đó.

having a lot of problems

gặp rất nhiều vấn đề

  • a troubled marriage

    một cuộc hôn nhân rắc rối

  • We live in troubled times.

    Chúng ta đang sống trong thời kỳ khó khăn.

Extra examples:
  • a singer with an extremely troubled past

    một ca sĩ có quá khứ vô cùng rắc rối

  • financially troubled companies

    công ty gặp khó khăn về tài chính


pour oil on troubled water(s)
to try to settle an argument