Definition of trot




The word "trot" originated in Middle English during the 14th century. It derives from the Old French word "troter" which meant "to pace or move with quick steps." The Old French word in turn originated from the Latin word "tropare," which meant "to destroy" or "to break." It's unclear why the Latin word came to mean "to pace or move with quick steps," although some theories suggest that it may have evolved from the idea of quick, energetic movements that could easily break through something, such as a crowd. The term "trot" originally referred to any fast-paced walking or running movement, but it has since come to specifically describe the four-beat gait of a horse, which involves a trotting motion with all four hooves leaving the ground at different times. This usage became popular in the mid-1600s and has been in use ever since.


to move forward at a speed that is faster than a walk and slower than a canter

di chuyển về phía trước với tốc độ nhanh hơn đi bộ và chậm hơn chạy nước kiệu

  • I could hear the sound of several horses trotting along in the lane.

    Tôi có thể nghe thấy tiếng vài con ngựa phi nước kiệu trên đường.

  • The mare whinnied softly and trotted up to him.

    Con ngựa nhẹ nhàng huýt sáo và chạy đến chỗ anh.

to ride a horse in this way

cưỡi ngựa theo cách này

  • She trotted her pony around the field.

    Cô ấy dắt con ngựa nhỏ của mình chạy quanh cánh đồng.

to run or walk fast, taking short, quick steps

chạy hoặc đi bộ nhanh, bước những bước ngắn, nhanh

  • The children trotted into the room.

    Bọn trẻ chạy lon ton vào phòng.

Extra examples:
  • Anne trotted obediently beside her mother.

    Anne ngoan ngoãn chạy lon ton bên cạnh mẹ.

  • He had to trot briskly to keep up with his wife.

    Anh phải chạy thật nhanh để theo kịp vợ.

  • The dog trotted obediently at her heels.

    Con chó ngoan ngoãn chạy theo gót chân cô.

  • He hurried off, his assistants trotting after him.

    Anh ta vội vã rời đi, các trợ lý của anh ta chạy theo sau anh ta.

  • She trotted quickly down the stairs.

    Cô chạy nhanh xuống cầu thang.

to walk or go somewhere

đi bộ hoặc đi đâu đó

  • The guide led the way and we trotted along behind him.

    Người hướng dẫn dẫn đường và chúng tôi chạy nước kiệu theo sau anh ta.

Extra examples:
  • He trotted off to greet the other guests.

    Anh chạy đi chào đón những vị khách khác.

  • She waved an arm and off she trotted.

    Cô vẫy tay rồi chạy đi.


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.