Definition of triumphant


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The origin of the word "triumphant" can be traced back to the Latin adjective "triumphalis", which was used to describe the celebrations and festivities that followed a successful military campaign, known as a triumph. During ancient Rome, following a victorious battle, a general would lead a parade, called a triumph, through the streets of the city to the Capitol, where he would make an offering to the gods. The triumphal procession would be extravagant and ceremonial, with lavish decorations, music, and captives taken during the campaign. The Latin adjective "triumphalis" was coined to describe the mood and atmosphere of this celebration, where the general and his troops were filled with triumph, meaning "victory" in Latin. This concept of triumph, which in its original use exclusively applied to military victories, eventually found its way into the English language, and by the 15th century, it was being used to describe any situation where there was a clear and decisive victory or success. Today, "triumphant" is commonly used to describe someone or something that has achieved a substantial or conclusive victory in any given situation, whether it be in sports, academics, or personal achievements. Its origin, however, remains closely tied to the ceremonious and triumphant processions that once served as celebrations for the victorious Roman generals.


very successful in a way that causes great pleasure

rất thành công theo cách gây ra niềm vui lớn

  • They emerged triumphant in the September election.

    Họ đã giành chiến thắng trong cuộc bầu cử tháng 9.

Extra examples:
  • Hers is a moving and ultimately triumphant story.

    Hers là một câu chuyện cảm động và cuối cùng là chiến thắng.

  • In the painting, St George stands triumphant over the dragon.

    Trong bức tranh, Thánh George đứng chiến thắng con rồng.

  • He had steered the campaign through to its triumphant conclusion.

    Ông đã lèo lái chiến dịch đi đến hồi kết thắng lợi.

showing great pleasure or joy about a victory or success

thể hiện niềm vui hoặc niềm vui lớn lao về một chiến thắng hoặc thành công

  • a triumphant smile

    một nụ cười chiến thắng

  • There was a positively triumphant note in her voice.

    Có một nốt nhạc chiến thắng tích cực trong giọng nói của cô ấy.