Definition of trash




The origin of the word "trash" can be traced back to the Middle English word "thrash," which meant "to beat" or "to thrash." In the 16th century, the meaning of the word evolved to refer to waste or discarded materials, such as food scraps or leftovers. This new meaning possibly developed from the idea that these items were "thrashed" or beaten into smaller, worthless pieces. The word "trash" was then further adapted to refer to unwanted or discarded objects, as well as to people or ideas deemed worthless or of low value. Over time, the connotation of the word has come to carry negative connotations, implying that the items or persons labeled as "trash" should be discarded or thrown away. Today, the meaning of the word "trash" continues to evolve, with new variations emerging, such as the use of "cybertrash" to refer to unwanted digital content or "trash talk" to describe aggressive or insulting talk. In its modern usage, the term "trash" remains a powerful word, representing both the physical and societal boundaries of what is considered valuable or important.


things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them

những thứ bạn vứt đi vì bạn không còn muốn hoặc cần chúng nữa

  • Don't forget to take out the trash.

    Đừng quên đổ rác.

Extra examples:
  • The subway entrance was blocked with trash.

    Lối vào tàu điện ngầm bị chặn bởi rác.

  • What are these letters doing in the trash?

    Những lá thư này đang làm gì trong thùng rác?

  • His theories were relegated to the trash heap of history.

    Những lý thuyết của ông đã bị ném vào đống rác của lịch sử.

Related words and phrases

objects, writing, ideas, etc. that you think are of poor quality

đồ vật, chữ viết, ý tưởng, v.v. mà bạn cho là có chất lượng kém

  • What's this trash you're watching?

    Bạn đang xem cái thứ rác rưởi gì vậy?

  • He's talking trash (= nonsense).

    Anh ấy đang nói chuyện rác rưởi (= vô nghĩa).

Extra examples:
  • You can buy lots of tacky trash in the souvenir shops, if that's what you want.

    Bạn có thể mua rất nhiều rác dính ở các cửa hàng lưu niệm nếu đó là điều bạn muốn.

  • People can certainly be affected by the trash newspapers they read.

    Mọi người chắc chắn có thể bị ảnh hưởng bởi những tờ báo rác họ đọc.

  • They listen to pop music and watch trash TV all day.

    Họ nghe nhạc pop và xem TV rác rưởi cả ngày.

an offensive word used to describe people that you do not respect

một từ xúc phạm dùng để mô tả những người mà bạn không tôn trọng

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