Definition of timelessly


không có thời gian


The word "timelessly" originated in the late 18th century from the combination of the words "time" and "less" in the English language. The prefix "time" refers to the measurement of duration or age, while the suffix "less" denotes the absence or lack of something. When used as an adverb, "timelessly" means "existing or lasting beyond the passage of time" or "permanent or enduring." It implies a quality that is not limited by the passing of years or the events that occur within time. This word is often used to describe works of art, literature, music, and other cultural phenomena that continue to have relevance and enduring appeal, regardless of the specific time period in which they were created or appreciated. In summary, "timelessly" combines the meanings of its component words to create a rich and evocative descriptor that conveys the idea of lasting or enduring value beyond the bounds of ordinary temporal limits.


in a way that does not appear to be affected by the process of time passing or by changes in fashion

theo cách dường như không bị ảnh hưởng bởi quá trình trôi qua của thời gian hoặc bởi những thay đổi trong thời trang

  • The themes of the book are timelessly relevant.

    Những chủ đề của cuốn sách luôn có giá trị vượt thời gian.


mãi mãi

  • For believers, it all comes back to the deep wisdom of God that exists timelessly.

    Đối với những người có đức tin, tất cả đều hướng về sự khôn ngoan sâu sắc của Chúa tồn tại vượt thời gian.