Definition of thrust




The word "thrust" has its origins in the Old English language, where it was spelled as "thrys" or "thryst". The Germanic root of this word is "thriscian", which means "press, push". In the 14th century, the Middle English language began using the spelling "thrust" for this word, which eventually made its way to the modern English language. The meaning of "thrust" has evolved over time, but it generally refers to the act of pushing or forcing something forward with a deliberate effort. The word "thrust" is commonly used in physics and engineering to describe the force that propels an object, such as a rocket, forward. In mechanics, it refers to the force applied to an object to cause it to move in a specific direction. In daily conversation, "thrust" is often used figuratively to describe persuasive or forceful speech or actions, as in "she had a strong thrust in her arguments". Overall, the word "thrust" has remained relatively unchanged in meaning and usage across centuries of language evolution, a testament to the enduring importance of the concepts it describes.


to push something/somebody suddenly or violently in a particular direction; to move quickly and suddenly in a particular direction

đẩy cái gì/ai đó một cách đột ngột hoặc dữ dội theo một hướng cụ thể; di chuyển nhanh chóng và đột ngột theo một hướng cụ thể

  • He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off.

    Anh ấy bế đứa bé vào tay tôi rồi bỏ chạy.

  • She thrust her hands deep into her pockets.

    Cô thọc tay sâu vào túi.

  • He tends to thrust himself forward too much.

    Anh ấy có xu hướng đẩy mình về phía trước quá nhiều.

  • Her chin was thrust forward aggressively.

    Cằm cô ấy hất mạnh về phía trước.

  • She thrust past him angrily and left.

    Cô giận dữ đẩy anh ra rồi bỏ đi.

Extra examples:
  • He thrust a piece of paper at me.

    Anh ta đưa cho tôi một tờ giấy.

  • A microphone was thrust through the curtains.

    Một chiếc micro được đẩy qua rèm cửa.

  • She thrust her way through the dense undergrowth.

    Cô lao mình xuyên qua bụi cây rậm rạp.

  • He thrust a handkerchief out to her.

    Anh ta đưa cho cô một chiếc khăn tay.

  • My mother thrust the newspaper back into her bag.

    Mẹ tôi nhét tờ báo lại vào túi.

  • She suddenly thrust out her arm.

    Cô đột nhiên đưa tay ra.

  • Mike thrust her towards the staircase.

    Mike đẩy cô về phía cầu thang.

to make a sudden, strong forward movement at somebody with a weapon, etc.

thực hiện một chuyển động đột ngột, mạnh mẽ về phía ai đó bằng vũ khí, v.v.

  • He thrust at me with a knife.

    Anh ta dùng dao đâm vào tôi.

  • a thrusting movement

    một chuyển động đẩy

  • She thrust the poker at her attacker with all her force.

    Cô dùng hết sức đẩy cây poker vào kẻ tấn công mình.


force/thrust/ram something down somebody’s throat
(informal)to try to force somebody to listen to and accept your opinions in a way that they find annoying
  • People are sick of having advertising rammed down their throats.