Definition of throw-in


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Definition of undefined

The term "throw-in" in sports, particularly soccer, originates from its literal meaning: **throwing the ball in**. The phrase first emerged in the late 19th century, as the game of football (soccer) was codified. During the game, if the ball went out of bounds, the referee would order a "throw-in" - meaning a player would throw the ball back into play. The term has remained consistent, with "throw-in" becoming the standard terminology for this specific type of restart in football.


to include something with what you are selling or offering, without increasing the price

bao gồm một cái gì đó với những gì bạn đang bán hoặc cung cấp, mà không tăng giá

  • You can have the piano for $200, and I'll throw in the stool as well.

    Bạn có thể có cây đàn piano với giá 200 đô la, và tôi cũng sẽ ném chiếc ghế đẩu vào.

to add a remark to a conversation

để thêm một nhận xét vào một cuộc trò chuyện

  • Jack threw in the odd encouraging comment.

    Jack ném vào lời nhận xét khích lệ kỳ lạ.