Definition of terrestrial


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The word "terrestrial" originates from the Latin term "terrestrialis" which means "relating to the earth" or "pertaining to the earth". It was first used by astronomers in the 17th century to differentiate objects that are located on the Earth's surface or within its atmosphere from those that are found in a cosmic setting. The term "terrestrial planet" specifically refers to planets, such as Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, that are situated in the habitable zone or "goldilocks zone" of their star's orbit, where the temperature is suitable for liquid water to exist on the planet's surface. These planets are generally smaller and less gaseous than other celestial bodies in the solar system, such as gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, and ice giants like Uranus and Neptune. In summary, the term "terrestrial" is derived from the Latin word for "earth" and is used to describe objects or planets that are associated with the Earth and its environment.


living on the land or on the ground, rather than in water, in trees or in the air

sống trên đất liền hoặc trên mặt đất, thay vì ở dưới nước, trên cây hay trên không

  • a terrestrial habitat

    môi trường sống trên cạn

connected with the planet Earth

kết nối với hành tinh Trái đất

  • terrestrial life

    cuộc sống trên cạn

Related words and phrases

operating by using equipment on the surface of the earth, rather than sending the signal via a satellite

hoạt động bằng cách sử dụng thiết bị trên bề mặt trái đất, thay vì gửi tín hiệu qua vệ tinh